Exploring Kotlin's Context Receivers

Simon Vergauwen · February 17, 2022

Last week a long awaited feature was released as a preview in Kotlin 1.6.20-M1. In this blogpost we’re going to explore what Context Receivers are, and some benefits and patterns they’ll enable. To try it out in your IDE, follow this guide

Currently, the only receiver we can define in Kotlin is through extension functions. In the following function, fun List<Int>.sum(): Int, we call List<Int> the receiver of the function.

We can call the above function as a member function on the type List<Int>. Note that for a custom defined extension function it requires an import, but not for most functions from the Kotlin Std.

listOf(1, 2, 3).sum()

What are Context Receivers

With Context Receivers we can introduce additional receivers. Let’s take another function from the Kotlin Std List<A>.sortedWith(comparator: Comparator<A>): List<A> and refactor it to use context receivers.

With context receivers we can redefine this function without the Comparator<A> argument in the parameter list. Where we call Comparator<A> the Context receiver, and List<A> the Extension Receiver

fun <A> List<A>.sort(): List<A> =

We can now call this function only from within the context of Comparator<A>, so we can use Kotlin’s scope functions to bring Comparator<A> into context.

with(Comparator.naturalOrder<Int>()) {
  listOf(3, 5, 1).sort() // [1, 3, 5]

Comparator.naturalOrder<Int>().run {
  listOf(4, 6, 2, 1).sort() // [1, 2, 4, 6]

What happens if we mark a function with context(Comparator<A>), is that it gets an implicit argument that the compiler automatically fills in for us when we’re in its scope. If we look at the JVM signature we will see public <A> List<A> sort(List<A> extension, Comparator<A> comporator), where both receivers are actually regular arguments on the JVM and Kotlin takes care of passing them around for us.

Context Receivers in action

So now that we have an understanding of how Context Receivers work, and what terminology is involved, lets take a look at some cool patterns.

In a previous blogposts we’ve discussed Effect & inline & suspend. Currently, in Kotlin with Arrow we’d write a function like this fun readFile(path: String?): Effect<FileError, Content> = effect { ... }. We’re forced to have a wrapper in the return type, Effect<FileError, Content>, to signal to the type system that the function results in Content but can fail with FileError.

With Context Receivers we can write code inside the effect context, so we can rewrite the function as:

@JvmInline value class Content(val body: List<String>)

sealed interface FileError
@JvmInline value class SecurityError(val msg: String?) : FileError
@JvmInline value class FileNotFound(val path: String) : FileError
object EmptyPath : FileError {
  override fun toString() = "EmptyPath"

suspend fun readFile(path: String?): Content {
  TODO("All functionality from effect { } available here")

So we can now write functions like we love in Kotlin, suspend fun with the happy-path in the return type. There are two ways that we can call this function:

val res: Effect<FileError, Content> = effect {

suspend fun allFiles(vararg path: String): List<Content> =
  path.map { readFile(it) }

However, we can also introduce new context receivers as we go along in our program, for example logging.

fun interface Logger {
  suspend fun info(msg: String): Unit
  suspend fun warn(msg: String): Unit
  suspend fun error(msg: String): Unit

context(EffectScope<FileError>, Logger)
suspend fun allFiles(vararg path: String): List<Content> {
  info("Processing files")
  return path.map { readFile(it) }

val res2: Effect<FileError, Content> = with(Logger(::println)) {
  effect {
    allFiles("path1", "path2")

Kotlin Context Receivers enable a popular pattern in FP called “Effect Handlers”, which refers to the technique of constraining functionality to an interface and enabling its functionality by bringing it into scope. In the example above the Logger handler enables the info, warn and error functionality. We can resolve the _EffectScope_ part of our _context_ but leave the `Logger` handler as _context_.

suspend fun allFilesOrEmpty(vararg path: String): List<Content> =
  effect<FileError, List<Content>> {
  }.orElse { emptyList() }

Here we were able to make resolve the EffectScope<FileError> context, by wrapping in effect and resolving the error by defaulting to an emptyList. This makes it very easy to solve errors across certain layers in your application, in case you’d want to resolve DbError before consuming them in the service layer.

Let’s look at a quick example of what that might look like:

data class User(val uuid: UUID)
data class DbError(val error: Throwable)

interface Users {
  suspend fun fetchUser(uuid: UUID): User = User(uuid)
  companion object Default : Users

data class Profile(val uuid: UUID)
data class NetworkError(val error: Throwable)

interface Profiles {
  suspend fun fetchProfile(user: User): Profile = Profile(user.uuid)

  companion object Default : Profiles

context(EffectScope<DbError>, EffectScope<NetworkError>, Profiles, Users)
suspend fun service(): Profile {
  val user = fetchUser(UUID.randomUUID())
  return fetchProfile(user)

Here we have defined a service function, that talks to the Persistence layer, and the Network layer. Both layers have their own error hierarchy, and we would like to keep them separate, so we don’t have to create a single error hierarchy for all layers. This also makes it more explicit from which layers the error came from.

suspend fun program(): Profile? = with(Profiles.Default) {
  with(Users.Default) {
    effect<DbError, Profile?> {
      effect<NetworkError, Profile?> {
        service(Persistence, Network)
      }.tapLeft { networkError -> println(networkError) }
    }.tapLeft { dbError -> println(dbError) }


Context receivers give us an elegant way of constraining functions to which context they can be called from. It allows for composing context without requiring inheritance, and bringing them into scope/context by using Kotlin’s scope functions.

The biggest improvement I’m still hoping for is with that allows multiple parameters, that would allow us to flatten a lot of code.

with(Users.Default, Profiles.Default) {
  // Users & Profiles available here

After having tried context receivers I cannot wait for them to become stable, and will probably start using them in all my toy projects already and perhaps even in some production code.

Thanks for reading my blog, and thoughts on Kotlin’s context receivers. Hope you enjoyed it!

A Gradle project with the code from this blogpost can be found on GitHub here. If you want to try it out do not forget to set up your IDEA as well, instructions can be found here.

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